Sunnova Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)

Lock-in Your Solar Energy Costs

While future utility costs are unpredictable, your business can lock in a predictable solar rate.

Competitive Pricing

If you do not have enough tax liability to take advantage of the federal tax incentive, you can still receive competitive pricing with our PPA.

Tax Benefits

Potentially receive income tax benefits through deducting your solar energy costs.

Sunnova Lease

Flexible Payment Options

Select a prepaid lease where you pay upfront or a traditional lease without significantly impacting your cash flow.

Longer Term, Lower Monthly Payments

Lock in a portion of your energy costs with our unique 25-year lease.

Tax Benefits

Potentially receive income tax benefits through lease payment deduction.

Competitive Pricing

Even without the federal tax incentive, you can get great pricing with our lease without having to apply for incentives.

Sunnova Loan

Locked in Energy Costs

Get predictable payments for your solar energy and commercial solar battery storage without significantly impacting your cash flow.

Eligible for Federal Tax Incentive

Own your system and, if you have enough income tax liability, receive up to 100% of the available incentives.

Tax Benefits

Potentially receive tax deferral for your system through depreciation deduction.

Peace of Mind

Unlike a traditional loan, your system will be managed by our solar experts for 25 years.

Sunnova Cash Purchase

Maximum Savings

Save more over time by paying cash upfront for your solar system

Eligible for Federal Tax Incentive

Own your system and, if you have enough income tax liability, receive up to 100% of the available incentives.

Peace of Mind

Unlike traditional cash options, with our 25-year Sunnova Protect® Business Premium+ plan, your system is monitored and managed by our solar experts

Tax Benefits

Potentially receive tax deferral for your system through depreciation deductions.

National Solar Solutions can help by designing a custom solar solution that fits your business.